
the Parameters in Flux


Looking forward standing guard televising to those behind them the Future Mother the twins will bear 

    It must've appeared in a flash-like lightning effect where the image imprinted on our eyes brightly starts to fade, inexorably as time once again tells the same old story.  It's when the new guise itself takes on an original life of its own that things begin to get interesting. 

    The nature of the technological singularity reflects the aspect of the only possible singularity itself.  When the map's depictions threaten to drop you in between the curved and constantly unsheathing barbed teeth of the fractal dragon leering forward in an endless Cheshire smile, it's always nice to remember that even real shadow-beasts cannot actually cause harm in and of themselves. Just nevermind which is the map and which the territory anymore. Seems to me it's our correspondence with the creatures that dwell in between the pages of the narratives we've been led to imbibe that we should be concerned about. Not their empirical existence mind you but rather their ineffable impact on the lives and decisions of growing persons the world over.   Think of it what ye will.  

   After all, what else got us here besides our will power?  Our ability to navigate our way into and out of a shoe, for one thing.  No one's here to cheer us on.  We're all gathered here alone together. It's up to each one of us when to get out of bed, brush our own teeth, when to drink a glass of water, and when to be conscious of taking in a breath.   With only each other to guide us, it's a small wonder we so often are led in circles. Who else are we going to turn to in our times of need?   

   The arch-nemeses of a host of individuals today remain attached to their peripheries like shadows in the way of their path intruding in the bright glare of day and withdrawing through the portals of twilight to disappear into the murkiness of night. At the end of the day you have to live with yourself.   

re:Update | post-Pandemic

by  Shaun Lawton      

  I don't have a library  of books, I have an ecosystem of books.  They are like living things, some being newly introduced to my domain, others undergoing a sort of slow demise as they yellow and collect dust. Some are borrowed while others are born into this teeming underground world via self publishing, for example the line of books under my imprint 𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖒𝖆 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 were midwifed into my home courtesy of print-on-demand sites such as lulu.com and amazon.com (the two I've used thus far).  

   In my paperback jungle I've stacked multiple towers of Moorcock, Farmer, Ellison, and Dick.   An exhibit of Ace doubles draws much attention and careful scrutiny reveals many wonders in the post-literary veins of Delany, Brunner, and Koontz.  The King of the jungle dominates my finest bookshelf with the many paperback editions and even more hardcovers collected over the years.  It stands like a totem with a 55-inch plasma screen placed upon it like a crown.  Emanating a baleful presence, echoing the Crimson King.  When dining on the flesh of the long left over Ouroboros embedded within our dna itself, let it come as no surprise that many of us are still here, entertaining what the definition of infinity might be.  

    I've geared up my Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction to produce an issue every month, and managed to succeed at this endeavor with the singular exception of last month, August 2022, where the fluid and streaming webzine is currently bookmark'd with a three-parts serialization of Franz Kafka's The Transformation, presented as such for the edification of a newly wide-eyed potential audience of younger readers. Old man Winter's done about to run out of snow, don'tcha know. He's been squarely caught in between the bright head beams of cross running traffic. Engines revving hungrily in front of him while other metallic beasts lined up behind honk out loud and the doppler effect of sirens approaching confounds the moment in paralyzed terror.  

     We're free flowing in the rapidly speeding up current of the Singularity now since its riptide increased by several magnitudes of order. There's no escaping this post-gravitational force guiding us along on a course resembling that of white water rapids, the heated debate between analog vs. digital artists drowned out in the impending downpour of this apocalypse.  And such an apocalypse it's turned out to be! We're being ushered into and through multiply evolving eras as if through a gauntlet packed with unexpected intrusions and accessories.  To say its confusing for the majority of us would be to place an understatement of absurd proportion for our consideration.  This place is a madhouse! 

   And it's as thrilling as the surefire thrumming of the latest carnival attraction's engine warming up, about to take those who strapped into its contoured bucket seats and foam padded safety shoulder harness bars on the wildest ride of their lives.  At the same time I foresee certain stages of advanced equilibrium grounding maximal chunks of the proceedings into super long-lived epochs of stability.  It's as if all the contrasting elements which have always balanced each other out before have been upgraded into much more super symmetrical and denser elemental particles, as if someone mixed in heaping teaspoons of neutron star material into the flux.  

   The stark and arresting beauty of this current situation maintains that while certain fundamental aspects of our reality remain as unfathomably complex as they were before, certain other embellishments to the old tropes have evolved so fantastically as to render those old complications into elementary simplicities that any child could take for granted.  In other words you're damn straight it's a brand new world, Aldous Huxley would be somewhat aroused while I'm afraid George Orwell would hang his head in shame.  Ray Bradbury would certainly be cautioning us against the very brand name chosen for our most popular eReader and Isaac Asimov would certainly shake his head sadly for lack of a way to convey the idealism of his definition of an old fashioned book.   

     In a world where anything goes, how could one possessed of an adventurous spirit and has survived the pandemic not be thrilled with our glorious present moment in time to the point of undergoing possible cardiac arrest? That's my primary concern, I've not got the time nor inclination to bicker and complain about a world that's gone to Hell in a handbasket when I've been here long enough to have not only contributed to the weaving of the basket, but have long ago figured out we make our own Hells of the bits and pieces of paradise which broke off the glacier of Eden so many generations ago we're no longer capable of being certain if we've translated the meanings of old fossilized writings accurately.  

    On a planet caught spinning as it revolves around our central star beheld in a vast suspension network of celestial bodies critically linked to time and gravity itself, I've been around the block enough times to know that the present moment we are all currently caught up in provides the totality of our needs insofar as the alternative prospect of what the so-called "future" and "past" happen to hold in store for us. Perhaps that's the one difference between those whose goals aim for a future that never comes and the ones who manage to figure out a way to live in the moment and remain happy.  


Six Shades Sharper

Stepped In Life

To really uncover the manifold viewpoint which my speculative exercises in creative writing lead toward, it becomes necessary for us to take the tip of a clue and run to the ends of the iceberg with it.

Given that the real nature of our solar system is an order of magnitude different from how most
of us are likely to perceive it, it's quite enough to scale up the relative accuracy, that is to say, refocus it to clearly see just how ignorant we naturally are to begin with, take a close look in the mirror, and smile.

Knowledge is a process which begins with the lack of
knowledge, and that lack is what we use to define ignorance.

The truth, as it appears to our normal everyday thinking about the "experienced knowledge of our solar system"(and by extension, the galaxy it belongs to and the universe as well, of course) always falls short of the real magnificence on display not by one single order of magnitude, but by so many orders of magnitude as to leave one stunned in abject shock reeling with the inability to further process it all.

Even when we compare things which seem different by suggesting they are "like night and day"to each other, it doesn't come close to capturing the sheer degree by which we are so wrong about everything in this life--beginning with our real place in it.

By "it" I mean the cosmos of course--what else could I possibly have meant?

It.  Here.  Now.  Reality.  The Universe.  You.  Me.  This planet.  History.  Our lives. Life.
All of us.  We.  This.  This thing we share.   This street which has no name with our own names
already fading from it.  This address to which is prescribed one resident.   There...now.  All better, world.

~   ~   ~  

The end of the iceberg is a magnifying glass fore cast to melt 
the next time this star comes
rotating into view from behind the frozen armor of our world.   

~  ~  ~

We must perforce gaze through it quickly before it melts away completely.
The big Reveal is relatively simple once it's been given to a life form to grasp.
The problem is one of having to necessarily remember or recall to be exact
the stupendous breadth of our cosmos while being navigated upon the course
of our exhalation's depth, a combination (our beholding the universe and our selves)
that rarely gels into clarification for any creature caught up in the experiencing.

Yet clues are collected in the cuffs of our clothes.
If a fading colored bead falls in the forest, hear it
echo like a cannonade of pealing thunder!
Know the leaves dessicated and blown back down
trampoline shattered have been scoured and cleansed
of all pox populi but the parts which remained a grippin'
thus scarcely yet barely meaning 'more than is god given enough'
or another word for plenty which while we're on the subject
of words that's what they all mean ever last lovin' one of em, PLENTY.

The word means plenty.
Plentiful.  Plentiplutarian.

It all translates, roughly, to

"That which we are capable of imagining always equals the lowest common variable
denominator plus itself...we are capable of imagining, at the very most, one thing plus itself,
which means we are capable of imagining two things; but that is where the capacity for us to imagine
anything else drops off abruptly to absolute zero, nill, null, void, empty set, nothing, zilch, nada, zero."

Unless we try harder, that is.  That's jumping ahead of ourselves.
The way things really are is at least a billion times more interesting than how we normally think of it.

UNLESS, again...that is,  We.  Pull.  Ourselves.  Together.  But what does that even mean? 

Must we pull ourselves together individually before we get it so that we can pull ourselves together as a people?  Think on it.  Thank you.  It's necessary to begin at the beginning...and that means every single one of us.

Is it possible that there is One Meaning to this thing which no matter how many other ways of slicing it into different and separately contextual sub-definitions manages to nonetheless capture the totality of possible spirits manifested within it?   The answer is a resoundingly and infinitely echoing into underlapping silence YES and I am pleased to know this backwards as well as forwards.  SAY-YES.

JUST LIKE our Solar System is not TWICE as amazing and complex and mindblowing as we formerly thought it was, and not THREE times more so nor even FIVE times more so and no not even TEN TIMES more amazing than we formerly thought, and not one hundred times more so nor one thousand times more, but somewhere on the order of a HUNDRED THOUSAND TIMES more astonishing than we formerly thought possible.   And then some.

Just like this teensy weensy almost insignificant observation, we may infer that most queries into the unknown nature of our existence most likely as well would provide insights so stunning as to be beyond our capacity to even imagine?  Oh wait--it is.  By definition.

See, it's NOT that we cannot imagine a supermassive, titanic amount of God-staggering data; it's specifically and exactly that our ability to do so is necessary not for the task of imagining complexities we enjoy fabricating in our mind's eye, but for the actual necessity of understanding truth, which ITself may appear staggering on a level far too many times removed, in terms of complexity of execution, from that which we are capable of being programmed to normally comprehend; but for a built in genetic clause, which, when activated, triggers an elemental information-exchange program which raises the level of awareness in the mind of its host until the saturation point causes a flash-pan messianic complex, often with results far superior to those which were anticipated.

The fundamental paradoxes we've detected at the base levels of quantum and classical physics point toward a deeper design which accounts for how  THE BIG PICTURE frames itself:  from aligning two mirroring halves--the micro- and macro- aspects of our universe.

We human beings exist at the cutting edge level of where the macroverse and microverse appear to meet.   In a real manner of speaking, our feet are mired down in the thriving, living muck of the microverse itself just seething up and out and away from the planet core of our beautifully idiosyncratic world spinning in revolution about our yellow Dwarf star, itself on a vastly more gigantic scale circling about the central galactic core of the Milky Way, a barred spiral galaxy amid billions; while our heads tower upthrust through the clouds in our mind thinking our eyes can "see the view above the world" with a clarity that often mistakes the real nature of what we are examining.

For when we study the remainder of our universe; that is, every other star in our own galaxy as well as which might be contained in every other galaxy out there--bar none--we may truly lend the focus of our gaze to the most magnificent mystery which has haunted our species since we first crawled out of the brine to stand upon these sandy shores and dream.  We are staring at nothing less than Death itself.    

In order to direct our attention towards and examine carefully with our own eyes that phenomenon known as Life (from which we ourselves appear to have stepped in to remain relatively unscathed for the time being, at least individually as far as we can tell) it becomes necessary to cast our gaze down at our feet onto the ground and pay strict attention to the vast aspect of this earthly dominion we have either inherited, or to be quite frankly put out enough to suggest, that this terraformed planetary habitat has been unfortunate enough to have received our rather rude and thoughtless imposition on its once, shall we say, more  pristine original condition...

All of which is to say, after a manner of pointing out, here on this isolated blog Exorlyric on Google's blogger domain,  that the common denominator appearing throughout different examples of depictions which convey how things really are as contrasted against how they have been understood by most of us,  is mainly that the difference between the reality and our perception of it is by an order of magnitude so unexpected that it would leave us all dumbfounded with astonishment and amazement bordering on stupefaction, were we to be exposed to it.    

It's important to point this single fundamental principle out.  The Truth Is Far Crazier Than We Think, Even If It's Simple.  It's a point of reference which might better be cited as a point of reverence--why-?--because of the altogether Far Crazier Platform Of Amazement which reality appears to operate on--which, regardless of how any living sentient creature on this Earth might perceive it to be, is and always shall remain weirder and more unexpected than anything any one of us could ever imagine.

The mere fact our existence on this spinning ball of rock, metal and plasma apparently caught up in billions of years orbiting about our nearby yellow Dwarf Star is still an ongoing phenomenon mutually enjoyed by us all and which has yet to be and may not ever become accounted for by science, I say, is evidence enough for even the most rigorous logician, doctor, or priest to sit before in a moment of silence and share each other's speechlessness before it all.   


~Refreshest This Page~

The whole of our UNIVERSE can be said to be made up of two halves:
1) The Physical (outer) universe and
2) The Nervous (inner) system,

these two halves performing what is closest to mirroring each other there is, only both images working as functional entities in actual existance, without reflection, although each remaining a part of the whole. These two systems transpire throughout each other, but do not occupy the same space. They remain in all areas but the poles seperate from each other.

*(thus the poles are the tollgates between these worlds.)*more later

The poles of the physical universe are as a pair only half formed, with the conclusive pole existing in temporal stasis (if not for this dim facet of existence shuttling the random cross-circuits, our future/destinies would be entirely alien concepts to us, buried in the permanent blackness beyond).

Because of this temporal-stasis-existence (which has to do with the physics of time-development) we as living creatures are offered the physical possibility of learning and possibly affecting our future/destinies. It's up to us to comprehend the withstanding of temporal travel through seemingly illogical space via timelessness.

We humans, as vessels for individual nervous systems, differ from NON-nervous systems, otherwise known as inanimate matter, in that we do not displace that portion of universe we occupy: unlike rocks or metals--matter dense enough to displace their areas. The flesh of our vessels actually occupies an area of space around our nervous systems (or inner-systems) that is a "buffer zone" that allows for an alloted percentage error in our construction through time; in other words, our physical bodies are capable of routing through zero-dimensional points or one-dimensional lines as well as three-dimensional spaces, but only so long as they remain alive; a dead body is identifiable for the reason that it suddenly displaces the area it occupied. For this reason the dead displace the earth. In this sense the living more resemble ghosts or wraiths that can move through temporal spaces.

Just as great distances must be breached in our physical universe to arrive at the toll-gate of a pole (literally the end of our universe), so must great inner distances be traveled for one to arrive at a pole of the soul. However, as one who has traveled to a pole in his inner being can testify, the "great distance" is cancelled out through the equation of hyper-mathematical travel.

Note* The "pole(s)", though at opposing ends, on a sphere, are so only in that this is the arrangement as represented graphically onto a "sphere". The reality that said "sphere" equates to positions the "pole(s)" in the center.

A "pure sphere" in actuality has its center and all points in relation to each other occupied in one relativistic area; its graphic "roundness" like the ball of an orange occupies seperate points in space only because this is the only message our brains can interpret into understanding a sphere's total components; to state that a sphere is nothing like a ball would not be much of an inaccuracy. In other words, the North and South poles of a "global" sphere are no more on the outside at opposite ends than they are on the inside at center.

Our "temporal" image of the conclusive "pole" of our universe indicates a sequential process of interaction along a binary line: a "will" or "will-not" resolution, in other words: the conclusive pole (denoted S-pole as opposed to the origin pole denoted N-pole) will in time either form itself or it will not (in which case ordered completion will occur or it won't). In the case that it doesn't, one could say that chaos proved dominant and our universe might excise itself into formlessness. In the case that it does, only speculation provides the answer, but to have our universe ordered into its complete "sphere" would indicate our "arrival", if you will, (through space/time) to that unique "toll-gate" connecting us with other universes. Nothing less than the doorway to the promised lands.


The previous statement is true only relative to our position in spacetime development. To not allow for developments and/or changes in the integration of our space/time/universe's physical make-up would be blindly presumptuous of us. For this reason statistical predictions fall into an unstable category of knowledge: i.e, they remain effective only so long as our present moment is concerned; indeed, statistics, as a branch of science, is at most a fleeting pursuit, if not totally unstable. [Note* The concepts of "gambling" and "playing the stakes" fit in conjunction with our ideas of Hell for this reason.]

If our world were to complete itself, the structure and integration of ordered reality would develop into the second stage of the fundamental wavelength, which is the "sine" or opposite of the "bell-curve", our present fundamental state which allows for the chaotic arrangement of variables we have so brilliantly graphed out in our probability charts.

Yea, when and if our poles connect, we will find ourselves as precisely integrated variables in a synchronously arranging world; NO LONGER will random determination construct a "bell-curve"; but rather, the INVERSE of a bell-curve (sine) will begin to generate, and the opposing polarities of INSTABILITY vs. STABILITY will increase dramatically affecting each other in wild synchronous abandon. Mediocrity and all those variables brought to the forefront of the "co-sine" era will decrease dramatically into seldom sporadic occurances. This is to say, 'probability' will become the "exception" and 'synchronicity' the "rule".

{Note of interest: The yin-yang symbol is a more accurate graphic representation of a pure "sphere" or our total universe: the two "eyes" representing the "poles" (being both inner and outer) and the central division representing the wavelength broken into "cosine" and "sine".}

The simple experiment of stirring a cup of tea and then observing its cyclonic surface from the proper angle will result in the ability to visualise a "perfect" yin-yang reflection, complete with eyes, in the ordered maelstrom of torque induction.


Fracture reigns.
Seperation oversees.

Gulfs wreathe in between
we are not all that are
seperated by abyss
every moment is
the focal point
of every condition is
all things have a unique value
there is a spirit at the center
of all things that dictates
the thing's destiny
the spirit is how the thing
relates to its environment
the abyss seperates all things
the abyss lies within cellular walls
at the core of every moment
within each cell's abysmal walls
lies the compound
of ((confrontation) and (elusion))
confronting and eluding
this is a necessary compound
utilized for the fabrication
of a field of static
that enables (the abyss)
to be crossed
the temporary
(closing) of the circuit
this flow, electrical in nature
a rudimentary form of (life)
(infestation) (intelligence)
from man's (perspective)
is entirely fraudelent
with an essential self-prejudice:
(intelligence) is relative
(by nature, I don't think man
is very (intelligent)).

Balance relates. Relations balance.
Man's basis of intelligence
is far too (exclusive)
to be taken seriously
by anyone (conformity,
brain-washing, rote-memory,
and the mass-media stripping
of identity's creative thought
seem to be what the major portion
of this world's nations are up to).

There is no (standard) by which
(men) can rely on to prove
a correlative point.

(Man) is not alone. (Men) are not men.

The Body, too, is split asunder
into a myriad shatterweb
of tribal factions.

Just as each (individual) body
contains within a myriad fracture-
webbing of (its) identity, shatter-
mirrored into an endless array
of possible (selves).


Thus the often overwhelming
powers that the (current) (age-less)
individual must (confront/elude)
in his huge world.

Focus (sometimes) exposes insanity
into a relative degree of completely
rational behavior, while revealing
(conformity) and (socially accepted
behavior) as being activities which
might be better classified as
((irrational)/(insane)) when
one considers that (focus) of
the (true) (unique) spirit
of the matter may expose it
as actions whose participation in
can only lead to (some)
inevitable scenario (whose spirit)
has been (injected) from (those who
are in control) with no other intention
but to (culture) a submissive race of
(cattle) from which they may draw
(extract) their (justified) wealth.
(This) pisses me off.
may eighteen nineteen ninety one



cycles of command
sattelites and planets
women and tides
possession and distortion
sun bursts flooding
nova shell expanding
passing through for moments
birth of forces
minds of light
vectors gain momentum
history as story
attraction and addiction
gravitation and magnetism
waves of force
cycles of change
suspension of memory
and its slow dissolution
reformation of disintegration
time trapped in temporal stasis
energy burst of positive pulse
abstract pools we drift through
forces shaped around us because of us
paradox nova shell thinning bigger
intersection of nineteen eighty
three flash flood of earth
birth of gestalt
loss of memory
gain of force
focus of loci
intake of nutrients
bathing of energy
of commonality
passing of waiting
sorrows of watching
bloodlines of
of vision.


REFRESH this page

entrapment. its what's done. welcome. follow the flashlight beam scurrying down the stairs. into the basement. its where talk happens. talk about entrapment. the most efficient traps are the ones where those caught in them remain unaware they are trapped. now a new turn begins. it is well known that there is a war going on. what is not agreed on, is exactly who the key players waging it are. regardless of the answer, the one thing commonly possessed, whether agreed upon or not, is every individual caught up in this war - whether enthusiastic about it or not, and for better or worse - commands a great many pathways to happiness. denial seems a quick easy route. is hot tea favourable? there is always tea brewing in the basement.

And here we are dipping into the rapid streams of time with an inkwell for the river and a sliver for an oar, ivory capped typing keys and a blackened pie roller, dust, and a quill for the paddle, a plastic keyboard electronic matrix as the nib to dip in the icy current of a clear drinking creek seeking one direction from infinity into a moving stream of pixels that trick us into forgetting that from here on out we'll be mixing a tape of our lives up so to speak, that is, about what we want everyone to know about our lives. In the interest of taking honesty to its furthest shattering point I've construed an elaborate method by which our seperate life story threads might intertwine. I've devised many different angles from which you might piece together our story. Really I'll be giving you the important stuff and the remaining parts can be plugged in with your own private details, considering that the rest will come naturally, I mean we're all human despite living together in the same place, right? Same place, haha -- good one, huh -- yah right. Earth is the same place last time I checked. That river was the same place last time we checked. That tectonic plate was in the exact same location since the dinosaurs. And the shop across the street was full of whores. I know. But listen. Somehow they got rid of us. That's why we're standing here. Now. Abandoned. Don't you get it? Look, we're the only ones left. That much should be obvious to you. The fact I'm even having this conversation -that you're reading it, your eyes scanning the print- and leaving no comment reflecting indifference to the various injections we've suffered together, I mean it's all the same transfusion right -cuz you know they're using you and you're used to it- and they know it and it's part of a network and *phone rings*

unnecessary tribulations such as a door creaking open behind you when you know you're alone in the house, these things which keep you turning your head to watch the shadow on the floor creep up on you, they are whispers of the blind. A pack of blind forces is bundled up behind you. Stacked up on top of one another to form a rough man shape. You can't tell its there even when you look. Might've mistaken it for the bookcase. How do you know its not your shoelace. This is how everyone learns to wear the how to pretend you don't know face.

A great friend and shaman acquired some perfectly legal salvia divinorum and offered some to me, yesterday. I was led down to the basement chill room of my home. We sat on the comfy bed. I propped up pillows behind me, in the corner, so I could lay back and rest my head. My best friend the urban shaman brought out the mudclay pipe, forged from his friend's back yard in Louisiana. He packed the fingertip formed bowl with 15x salvia. I sat cross-legged on the mattress. He set his iPod to some hemi-semi music, some kind of left/right brain wavelength inducer. After he pushed play I set fire to the bowl and inhaled the smoke. It didn't seem to have an effect--yet again, this being the 2nd time I tried it--(the 1st time, at 6x, to no avail)--so I asked for the pipe back and hit it again, being urged to "keep the flame on it, burn it good" so I kept the flame on it, burning it good and continued with a great inhalation. This one did the trick because after exhaling things started to happen to me. Please bear with me as I attempt to describe what would normally be thought of as inherently impossible. What happened was the walls of my room--the room itself, I should say--thinned away to be replaced by another, different sort of room--one made of palm shoots and leaves, and situated much further south, in the tropical jungles of the Americas somewhere which resembled being alongside the Amazon. Although I could not quite focus visually with exactness on this seperate location, I could sense it directly about me, and it was packed with an urgency for me to immediately "get with the program" as Her Majesty was passing through--it was predominant that I show my respect by getting out of the way of her passage--and the only way to do this was for me to become the walls of the hut itself, as others around me were apparantly adept at doing. In the micro-instants during the imminence of this oncoming Procession, the molecules of my body succumbed to the powerful effects of the salvia, and my body began to stretch like taffy into palm shoots and leaves which smoothed out into the rectilinear architecture of the hut's walls and stilts--with my 'urban ego' rebelling the whole way. In fact, I could not complete the transformation because my individuality rebelled successfully--but not completely. I transformed four-fifths of the way into the wall of the hut itself, just in time to allow Her passage. I got the feeling that my partial transformation was enough, as a token gesture, to show my desperate attempt at cooperation. It must've been purely my instinctive Id that rebelled against it; I don't know, exactly. Because I got the feeling that She was not offended, merely charmed by my confused panic. There was a definite sense that I was a member of a tribe, down there. And that although I fumbled the ball, so to speak--my tribal cohorts patted me on the back afterwards, with laughs and big grins. The strange thing about it was, that the experience began to decay as it was peaking. I was subject to an intermittence, wherein on the one hand, I was distinctly aware of my tribal surrounds and the Procession which demanded I get out of the way by transforming into the wall, and on the other hand, I would come back to my room in the basement with its Phobia and Hellbats posters and mundane arrangements, such as the brass lamp, and the plastered-over concrete walls, and the bed itself upon which I sat. Before my face began pulling taffy-like into palm leaves and braided bamboo shoots, my 'urban self' would become startled out of the transformation, to look around me and attempt saying something--something I was half-aware came out of my mouth resembling foreign syrup more than English words. I could see Greg sitting on the far end of the mattress, looking on with concern, while his own face would momentarily be pulled palm-shootward, and I would look away towards the posters along the wall of my room with a sad sort of longing, and then I'd shudder involuntarily as my own body pulled itself into the architecture of the hut surrounding. There was one moment in which I seemed to have--for a split-second, at least--been fully dipped into the material wall of the hut itself--but I couldn't keep my ego down and my nose, eyes, face, and head would reform themselves out of the flatness as if struggling not to be drowned in it. There was a sense of unrelenting terror which stemmed not from any potential exterior source of attack, but rather, towards the idea that I was supposed to somehow exclude myself from this transaction; I rebelled at the idea that I could "travel to another (part of the) world" only at the price of becoming that world; my sense of individuality and its search for adventure--that is, its selfish quest for further titillation of the senses--simply refused to accept that, in order for me to accomplish such a voyage, I must perforce surrender my eyes to their transubstantiation into wood, into stone--into the surrounding world which I was given the opportunity to visit. I'll never forget how, in order to make way for the Procession, it was necessary for me to become the hut itself in which I squatted. I have learned that my ego holds on extremely tight to this world--this flesh. This existance is not one which I am inclined to let go of. I remember, early on in the salvia trip, that the hemi-semi new age music was just a distraction--it confused me. I removed the headphones abstractedly--that is, barely realizing I was doing so. I could hear the new age piping from the earbuds tossed over on the mattress by the wall. I remember standing up, and yearning to walk over there--toward the light entering the basement from the laundry room--somehow, I sensed that was "the way back" to my normal life. I wanted more than anything to come back. I knew this was going to be a very short trip, but I endured moments of uncertainty as to whether or not it would continue--whether or not I'd be able to return to my normal life. I also simultaneously was quite aware that this would all pass, soon. That it was ok--just go with it. The most intense part--the peak--was when I felt myself 80% transform into a wickerwork wall. It was like I was transforming into a kite or a painting. The sense that my skeletal structure converged with the framework and my skin and flesh stretched into the canvas was very strong. That I did not want to surrender to this transformation was equally strong. That the tribal cohorts on the other end thought it was funny I couldn't handle it, came through as well. Sure enough, before too long, the intermittent sensations--that of being aware I was simultaneously occupying two different spaces--faded, and gradually I was returned to the exclusive domain of my familiar basement room. It was certainly an unexpected experience, and that I naturally rebelled against it almost every step of the way has left me with the feeling I did something wrong, but Greg has assured me there is no wrong you can do, there is just going with the flow. Speaking of flow--yes, there was a definite sense of realigned gravitational pull, or magnetic flux influence against which it was futile to struggle. Greg later told me he saw me bend over at an odd angle, as if in deference to the electromagnetic harmonics. He also said for a bit I was speaking in tongues; I suspect it was my tongue failing to convey simple English. There was a feeling of my having been the polar opposite end of a tube--at whose other end existed my "tribal double". I also got the feeling that my urban shaman Greg temporarily occupied the same psychic space that my double's Shaman occupied, in their own ceremonial location further south in the jungles of the Americas. There was the lingering sense that, my tribal double merged into the wall more easily, but my own ineptitude held him back from being able to completely transform, or something to that effect. Again, there seems to have been no hard feelings that this "westerner" fumbled the transformation sequence. It never occured to me before today, that in order to see or apprehend or know the essence of God--remember, myth has it that we cannot ever see "His face"--that it would become necessary for us to change places, God and I. She and I. Lady Salvia, and I. The forces which define this great Spirit are the elements of our world, such as wind and fire. Such as water and stone. Earth, tree, magma, and rain. The Great Spirit animates all of these--and more. It animates us. But in order for us to even begin to comprehend its stature, its dimension--we must trade places with it. For it to arrive to our town and move down its streets, would require that we each get out of the way. Yet the way is every conceivable nook and cranny--including the sky. The only way by which we can remove ourselves from the way of Its passage, is to transform into the walls and trees themselves. To allow It the room it needs to pass through, we must by definition remove our physical bodies out of the way. We must trade places with Him--Her--see? Once She passes, we may regain our temporal bodies, and we may remember her Procession, and the wake it has left behind. It is in the eddies of this wake that we may see signs of Her having passed through: the ripples in the sand and upon surfaces of water, the leaves strewn along the road. The windswept patterns in fields of wild grass. I remember when the Procession finally passed us by, it was distinctly reminescent of a giant snake passing by. An anaconda larger than the village, sliding in between the grass huts. Yet despite distinctly sensing this passing serpent, I could not get a sighting of it, just the knowing it was passing, and that everyone in the village had surrendured into the framework of the walls to allow its passage. Today I think this spirit is merely serpentine. That is to say, it is not a snake specifically, but rather, has snake-like attributes. Rather like Time, I should think. The way time passes us by in a linear fashion--is most serpent-like. I fancy She is like this, or at least, the hem of her dress must be stitched with Time. I feel as if I participated in a ritual in which we all donned Her clothes in order to allow Her naked passage through our vicinity. Now that I have returned Her garments I'll never look at the wind the same way again. Even if I always somehow knew the bare elements comprised this great Spirit men have vaguely identified as God, I never fully realized how the wind and rain were its scarves and skirt, the mountains and earth its body, and the trees unshaved stubble. I never knew we could trade places like we did. Now that this realization has dawned on me, I feel death is somehow less mysterious, and more like just another part of me. A part I am saving for last.